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5 Scientifically-Proven Benefits Of Reading

Avani G

As a child, you may have heard adults telling you to start reading or to read more regularly. Turns out, it was sound advice! Reading is a habit with lifelong advantages. It can make us smarter, more empathetic, and calmer. Like getting 8 hours of sleep or eating a balanced diet, reading has benefits scientifically proven by a multitude of studies. Read on.

1. Readers are more creative and tolerant of uncertainty How does this work? Research shows that readers tend to have less of a need for cognitive closure, that is, the need for a firm answer to a question. Thus, they can handle uncertainty. This lets them explore a variety of perspectives and ideas that expand their horizons. It is beneficial because it prevents readers from remaining stuck on a single idea. 2. Reading reduces stress Reading requires concentration. It’s quite like meditation, which relaxes the brain and any negative thoughts a person might be having. A study carried out in 2009 by the University of Sussex proves this. It states that reading reduces stress by a whopping 68%. 3. Reading exerts the less-worked areas of the brain Some regions of the brain aren’t used as much as other regions. But, reading can activate these areas of the brain. A team of researchers at Stanford University examined blood flow in the brains of readers. They found that closely reading a Jane Austen novel “requires the coordination of multiple complex cognitive functions”. In other words, it uses multiple parts of the brain - including the lesser-used ones! [Stimulate your brain everyday with mind-expanding articles from CTQ’s Daily Reader Compound] 4. Reading prevents one’s memory from worsening Research suggests that a reader’s memory declines significantly slower than a non-reader’s. Reading and puzzles reduce mental decline by a staggering 32%. Reading, playing chess, and other methods of stimulating the brain have even shown to reduce a person’s chances of developing Alzheimer's by 2.5 times. How does this happen? Essentially, reading exercises the brain so that it does not go “out of use”. The brain is like a muscle. It needs to work out so that it can stay fit! 5. Reading improves brain connectivity According to a study carried out by Emory University, reading enhances brain function and improves the ability to visualize. So, readers can imagine situations more vividly and empathize with people better! All these studies were carried out by reputed organizations. This further proves how helpful reading is! This habit not only offers an array of perks to your health, but it is also entertaining and helps you learn more. Sounds too good to be true? Just curl up on your sofa with a good book or article and see for yourself! Want to experience the many benefits of reading but not sure what to read? Join the 6-month Daily Reader compound or try it out with the 50-day Daily Reader Mini. For young readers, there’s Readikkulus, a 91-day compound for ages 10-17. In these CTQ reading compounds, you’ll receive interesting, high-quality articles to help you build a daily reading habit and keep your brain sharp!


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